School based groups are offered once a week, during recess, for 6 weeks. Groups are voluntary but a permission from a parent/guardian MUST be obtained for your child to participate.
Kid's groups are encouraged to remain confidential, but I will always share with you if I have reason to believe your child is in trouble or danger. You may always call me as well for an update on your child. Children are instructed not to talk about what the others in the group shared with anyone outside of the group, but they can share their own experiences as they see fit.
Groups that I typically offer include the following groups. The first is called K.I.D.S. group (Kids Issues in Divorce and Separation) for children who's families are divorced or separated. The second group offered is a grief group for students who have lost a person close to them. This group will focus on allowing them a safe place to grieve and building a set of multi sensory coping skills for their grief. We will also include a memory project in the grief group. The third group will be a group for developing social skills and friendships. Student will practice interacting with their peers in a variety of situations with guidance and feedback.
If you have any questions about any of the groups, please do not hesitate to contact me.