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Diabetic Management Plan

New Jersey State law, N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.11-21, requires schools to take specific actions to ensure that students with diabetes are able to manage their disease while at school and to ensure the health and safety of the student and the school community. The law requires the school nurse to coordinate the provision of diabetes care in school. The school nurse develops and individualized health care plan (IHP) and emergency individualized health care plan (IEHP) in consulation with the parents/guardians and appropriate medical professionals. The following form is a district provided Diabetes Medical Management Plan for your child's use. However, your child's medical professional may provide their own diabetic medical management plan which may serve the same purpose. The Diabetic Medical Management Plan must include the following information

  • the symptoms of hypoglycemia and recommended treatment;
  • the symptoms of hyperglycemia and recommended treatment;
  • the frequency of blood glucose testing;
  • written orders from the student’s physician or advanced practice nurse outlining the dosage and indications for insulin administration and glucagon, if needed;
  • the times of meals and snacks and indications for snacks with exercise;
  • full participation in exercise and sports and any contraindications or accommodations;
  • accommodations for field trips, after school activities, parties, and other school-related activities;
  • medical and treatment issues that may impact the educational process for that student; and,
  • how to maintain communication between the parents, the healthcare providers, and school staff.

Diabetes Medical Management Plan

Medication Administration Form 

Quick Reference Emergency Plan for a Student with Diabetes

Diabetes Awareness-Bus Drivers